Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen

Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014


Puede que alguno de vosotros os alojéis en la casa de una familia donde su mascota sea uno de los miembros más importantes de la familia. Hablemos de ellos.

The True Brit knows that her dog, cat, budgerigar, hamster, or even her goldfish, is more likely to prove loyal, affectionate and easy to talk to than the majority of human beings.
The unusually privileged position of animals in the British household is exemplified by the following story:
A British woman is describing her family to a foreign visitor: "There's me. And my husband. And our two cats."
"No children?" asks the stranger.
"We did have,"  comes the reply, "but we had to get rid of them because the cats were allergic to them."
Avoid saying
It's only an animal!

 From "The How To Be British Collection" by Martyn Ford & Peter Legon

 Picture from "The HOW TO BE BRITISH Collection"

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